
European News

Publiée le par Sensei Gérald GRANDCLAUDE

Calendrier Européen

European News

 EKO Calendar 2020.

- EC adults, April 4-5, Tbilisi/Georgia

- WC Fullcontact Karate, May 30-31, Osaka/Japan

- European Grading, August 6-8, Palanga/Lithuania

Qualifying tournament to weight the WC in Poland 2021, September 26, Goteborg/Sweden


- EC cadets, juniors, youth and OPEN !, November 27-29, Oradea/Rumunia


Qualification for the weighting World Championships in 2021 in Poland will take place during two tournaments:

a) European Championships in Georgia, 4 men and 2 women in each category will be qualified

b) Qualifying Tournament in Goteborg, 2 men and 1 woman in each category will be qualified.

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